Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Comfort and Sympathy

Stainglass windows always give me a sense of comfort. The colors of the window panes and the craftsmanship in making the windows have always impressed me. This window is located at the Shrine in Auriesville. This afternoon, at school, teachers and staff were informed of a tragic accident which took the life of a sophomore. I didn't teach this young man but certainly the news of tragedy always makes one reflect and feel sympathy for those hurting so deeply. I remember vividly when my grandmother had her accident and the personal emotions at a time like that can not be described. Most adults have felt these emotions at one time, as loss and tragedy are a part of living on this earth. And so, drawn back to the Shrine today, I found my comfort. My heart goes out to all those touched by this recent accident.


J.L.Velez said...

A nice picture of the stained glass. It's hard to think about this afternoon and not also think about what happened two years ago. I'm thankful for the things and people in life that offer us comfort and support. Our school really is a family and we're blessed to have that!

trishalyn said...

I'm glad you went to the Shrine. Your beautiful image was very comforting. Thank you.