Friday, October 10, 2008

Bottled Up!

This store, in Johnstown, has many old bottles as well as odds and ends strewn about. I wonder if my belongings will someday grace the shelves of a thrift store with customers passing by and commenting on them. "Who would ever want this?" "What was the owner of this thinking when he displayed it in his house?" Sad, really. I have to admit though that I was thinking the very same thing of these bottles when I first saw them. I guess "junk" is subjective!

Today was a long day, one full of unexpected happenings. When I have a day like this and do not have the opportunity to process the surprising events which occurred, I feel "bottled up". It's hard to express oneself when there is no one listening. I can imagine that thought in a fortune cookie. "One talks, others tune out!" Interestingly enough, I'm not telling this story to match my photo; rather, I saw the bottles and made the link before taking the image. Is this why writers, singers, performers and other artists do their best work when their personal lives are in turmoil? I'm not convinced that these photos are pleasing but I know I would have passed them by without a second thought on a 'happier' day. Which photo is more interesting to you and why?


J.L.Velez said...

I like the first one better. I think I like it because the bottles are lined up together and yet isolated. Sort of like people: we are all lined up together and yet, we are "bottled up" sometimes. I think artists use their pain to create beauty as a way of release and a way to express those bottled up feelings. The best writing I've ever done comes from the worst times in my life. Either way, your picture reveals emotion, which I am a huge fan of. When you can look at something simple and something that everyone else passes by and give it a voice, that's saying something.

J.L.Velez said...

Hey! Happy 10th day of October. 10 days in row of posting orginal photos! Congrats:)

trishalyn said...

I like the first image better, too...the bottles look neat and orderly, and my eyes are drawn right to them. The second image..a menagerie...I find my eyes darting everywhere. Sorry you had a bad day, but your photography expressed your emotions beautifully.

Linda said...

It just occurred to me, I was going to say that I like the first image better because it was more simple and make the suggestion to zoom in and simplify even more, when I realized that that's what we should do when we feel fractured and confused. Zoom in on one thing we can be thankful for, chew on it for a while, and forget the other "stuff" (for a while, at least). Good job.