I was so blown away by the art work that I found hiding under Albany's bridges. Passing over the art, on the highway, I happened to catch a glimpse of color and what appeared to be graffiti down below. Twenty minutes later, when I maneuvered my way to the inner-city park below, I found these treasures. Interestingly enough, this work was untouched by other graffiti artists who had scrolled their names, obscenities and gang related symbols nearby. This work is so impressive that even the most disrespectful in society seemed to have left this area untouched. I only photographed a few of these; however, the murals stretched as far as the eye could see. I wish I could have met the people that did these paintings and had the opportunity to learn their stories. I can only imagine that, as colorful and rich the murals, there are equally rich and colorful backgrounds to each of these artists.
Great shots for you today. Art is so complex and far reaching. I like to think that those murals touch something in even the most disrespectful "artists" of the area. Either way, you caught a sort of urban tranquility in your photos today. Well done:)
wow how do u find these things?
I have to say i am meeting a new steve not only through your pictures but through what you have to say about them. I am really enjoying meeting the "inside" steve rather than just "fellow teacher steve" or "Volleyball Steve" It is really cool and i have to say impressisve.
great find and great pix!
incitefully written.(spell):)
I love these, Steve. I really enjoy street art (I don't think I've ever seen the really vulgar stuff), so seeing this is neat. Makes me want to go there and take my own photos. Good capture today.
Wow...what a treasure you found! I wonder how many times you passed by overhead and never even noticed? Each image on its own is nice, but the series really tells the story. Great find, Steve...you should frame that set!
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