I'm typing more than ever lately so it didn't take much thought on my part to want to photograph this keyboard. I wanted to photograph it in a way that would create semi-abstract images which I think I did above and below. It was a joy to take these as my co-workers, again, just watched and went back to the work on their desks.

This last photo is the most realistic of the bunch. Look how you can clearly see the keys below, but above, had I cropped it differently, I bet you wouldn't know that those "light spots" were the tops of the keys, reflecting in the sunlight.
I am looking forward to this weekend when I can capture some more interesting objects, animals, or environmental shots. Are we at day 300 yet? This contest is going to kill me!
nice abstracts steve.
i like them all!
did you do it in black and white?
Good job!!! This isn't a contest though, it's merely a challenge. You can opt out on any day, you know. I bet we'll all look back and wonder how we came up with some of the ideas we used. Whatever will we do when the "challenge" is over?
Scroll past you picts rapidly..Interesting
I enjoy this bunch a lot! I was drawn to the first and last the most. I love the angle. I think we are only somewhere in the low 100's for days:)
Low 100's?! Oh dear. FOCUS (NO PUN INTENDED) ON ONE DAY AT A TIME!!! I liked this series of abstracts, Steve. I was fascinated by the fact that the light obliterated the letters/numbers (or did you do that manually?). Great idea!
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