I know what you are thinking..."not another angel or statue from Steve!" In my defense............. 1. I love statues 2. It was so warm out that I wanted to take advantage of the nice day. 3. I hate indoor still life and so I am putting off photographing at home. And 4. I can do what I want! ha. As my title states, these statues are a source of comfort to me and I'm hoping that they will bring comfort to others (except my mother who thinks they are creepy!). For fans of the statue, fear not, I found a new cemetery that has many more photographable subjects. Look how this statue is pulling you in, embracing you with love and understanding. There isn't anything you can say or do that would disappoint. You are loved for who you are and what it is that you have to offer and give to the world is appreciated.

I love the hands. You really captured the feeling behind the photo. Awesome!
Very nice, Steve. I love the statues too, so I can appreciate these images. Can't decide which one I like best.
gentle face,gentle hands.
you caught them both.
nice job.
You can never have too many angel photos! Beautiful images, Steve! I can't decide which one I like better, either. Both project a comforting feeling.
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