Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Fun Self-Assignment- Silhouettes

I'm sure every photographer would agree that some "shoots" are more fun than others. I don't know why, but this one was fun for me. I saw the bright light coming through my window and knew exactly what I wanted to do. In the picture above, I keep the blinds down to cut out some of the blinding white color of the light. I also thought it helped add authenticity to the shot because you clearly see that the lamp is in front of a window.

Removing the blinds, exposing the water stained and wind whipped window, the lamp catches more color. The image above was intended to be a partial silhouette and I am pleased with the outcome.

Finally, I shot low to high with the idea of exposing as much color as possible. Maybe I enjoyed the shoot because the affects were exactly as I anticipated and wanted. These are straight shots, with no manipulation.


Linda said...

Great shots. I love them all. I think the first one would have been really great had you included the base of the lamp. In that sense, the second is great. I enjoy seeing the perspective of the second and third. Good job and I'm glad you enjoyed this one. It's always nice when the shoot is enjoyable, and not just done out of necessity and exasperation.

trishalyn said...

Well, you know how I feel about silhouettes...I love these images!!! Until Linda mentioned the missing base of the lamp in the first one, I hadn't even noticed. Now that I do, I think my favorite is #2. But I love the colors coming through in #3. Wait...I love the complete silhouette in #1 with the horizontal lines from the blinds. Gosh...I can't pick a favorite! :-) Glad you had fun with this assignment...that's what it's all about!!!

J.L.Velez said...

These came out beautiful. I like the ones with just a hint of color in them. At first, I really loved like the first one, but then, I looked at the colors gradually sifting through and that makes a tremendous difference! Nice work on those!

Bridget said...

nice collection of shots.
i like the same subject different perspective.
as usual linda is right.
including the base,good idea:)