Bridget suggested to the photo club that we photograph silhouettes...and so I did, partial and complete. Above, the inside of my cupped hand brought an unexpected surprise- the reddish glow. Below, I photograph the only self-portrait that I can tolerate looking at!
Put the two together to make the whole. It was tricky to get my image to line up! Thanks for the suggestion Bridget. I used my news lens for all the images and so it was fun to practice today. Is there symbolism to my first image and the ones that follow? Does love make one whole? or does a complete individual make one whole? Can one be truly whole without love? Love for another or oneself?
awesome job love the split pic
Not really where you are going but there is a good discussion on ther nature of love ..In Brigets and Trish's Day Thought
Love oneself first is my vote. Cant do much else until you do.
great job steve.
keep it up and we will have to give you the trophy just for being really good !
as for love....the mystery never ends:)
Wow...awesome job, Steve...as usual! Love the creativity of your silhouettes...as well as the blog presentation...very clever!!! Your thought-provoking writing ties in to your images really well. I agree with Bridget...you have definitely earned and deserve the trophy!!!!!!!!!
I love how your pictures represent some deeper thoughts about life and love. They are mysterious yet moving in composition and style. I agree with Bridget about love being a mystery, but I also have a different take. We love because God first loved us. 1 John 4: 7-21
I really like your creativity doing this assignment. And your thought provoking text. But here's my take on love. If we don't love God and accept His love, then nothing else will fall into place. He loved us first for absolutely NO OTHER REASON than He wanted to. We don't deserve it. Now that's real love! And that's what gives us the ability to love others and be loved by them. I'll also quote the verse that Jayme used. 1 John 4:7-21
Very creative work! Both of your silhouettes are highly imaginative work. Keep up the great job!
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