Sunday, March 22, 2009

In The Past......

In the past the greenhouse shown here was a dream for its owners. People start businesses with the highest of hopes and anticipate success. Sometimes those dreams are unfulfilled.

This greenhouse is on RT7 in Schenectady and now sits empty with broken glass and only a few remnants of what used to be.

Here, only a weed grows wild within the glass walls.

The photo above is my favorite. As I laid on my back to shoot this image, the clouds began to break and the sun poked through. Perhaps someone will see this location and develop a new dream of beginning a profitable business.


Unknown said...

Very nice love the pics

philmary said...

Forget the idea of perspective.Look at the last shot as a vertical climbing of rods and pipes exploding upward.
Is that possible or am I seeing things?

J.L.Velez said...

Very beautiful, almost haunting. I love the last one the best. Whenever I come across something like that, I too think about the people of the past and their dreams and ambitions. I guess all things have their time tough. I also enjoyed the first one, the pattern of the ceiling against the disarray of the floor. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

have you ever been arrested for trespassing yet?

your time may come...

not that i'm wishing it on you...but you're being very brave and bold!

trishalyn said...

Great find, Steve! I agree with are very brave!!!
:-) These are all wonderful, but your favorite is mine as well. I love the abstract look with the blue/white background. The other images made me feel sad. A good photograph should evoke emotion, though, so you have accomplished your goal. Well done!

Linda said...

I think we (MVPers) are beginning to think alike. As I was scrolling down the photos, my first thought was "great find", then as I scrolled down the comments, there it was in print already "great find" from Trish. Sigh. So, not trying to be redundant, Great Find, Steve! Good for you for going in and getting these images. Very interesting and though provoking, and yes, bittersweet too. I think my favorite is the second one, with the wheel.

Bridget said...

very thought provoking writng and photos.
i really like all your images but the last one is amazing!!!
call me anytime you need a bail out:)