Yeah, I know, dumb picture....It is another photo to go in a series that I posted earlier. That means there will be more to come! Actually, I was freezing the other day and when I looked up, after washing my hands, I looked like the unabomber. I have been having major computer and Elements 7 problems so I was happy to post anything at all.
This is really interesting, I like how dark you made it to reflect the mood. As always, I love the contrast! Great portrait!
It certainly looks like an ad for a
"gangsta" thriller. Nice job with the bw and the shadows. Very intriguing.
hey welcome back...i know, it's only been a few days...but hey i miss my daily routine!
Creepy but cool! :-) Love the reflection self-portrait, and conversion to b/w. Including the cross is a key compositional element.
Great job...I've missed your daily postings. Hope you get your computer problems straightened out!
P.S. Thank you SOOOOO much for your help yesterday...I owe you big time!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
I never realized you could transform into a gangster! Good luck with that computer issue and I really like the lighting in this one.
and yet still a great photo. I love this serie. it works so well. the lighting the mood the whole set pulls together.
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