Above, Mrs. Hoffman's bright red barn sits beautifully, adorned with a classic white picket fence. The Hoffman's Apple Orchard is also the Spring place to be with an addition of two greenhouses! Make sure you visit this family owned establishment throughout the year! I attempted to make the image a dream-like one because I imagine that many a dream is being fulfilled by this family.
Today was a day of hard work on the farm. Much plowing was to be done and I was fortunate enough to be able to witness the work rather than doing the plowing myself. The horses below pulled the plow up and down rows of earth, taking deserved breaks long enough for visitors to appreciate their beauty.

The sky was radiant. Below I used a fish-eye lens in order to have the horses stand out against the blue sky and brown earth. This photo, and the one that follows shows the amount of work that these horses were to accomplish.

I like images, like the one below, where the main subject is questionable. Are the horses my focus or is the size of the field my main subject?
Below I photographed these horses resting prior to their turn at the plow. I won't make an ass of myself here making these horses the butt of a joke...well, you get the point! A great day! Thanks Meg, thanks Sharon and Jamie, and Trish?? You took to these animals so naturally!
That's my "tail" to tell today. It was a storybook morning.