I'm currently having more computer issues. I took this photo today but wasn't able to preview it, until now. I hope it is pleasing enough. Have a great night...think of me sitting here on hold, waiting for computer assistance, for over a half hour now!!! "deep breaths, right?" Happy B-Day Trish!
This blog will challenge me to see interesting people, places and items in a more artistic manner. Thank you to all visitors who appreciate the arts and the challenges of capturing images.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
A History Lesson

In history class, I teach my students about the tenement buildings of the early 1900s. I tell them how the immigrants would load up the fire escapes with garbage and old furniture. The tenement buildings, many stories tall, became fire hazards. When one building started on fire an entire block was at risk! Also, babies were placed under the fire escapes during the day as parents went to work. Anyway, when I see an old building I remember these stories of the "old days".
As far as the photo I used a pencil etching filter to add a bit of interest. Also, I used my compensation settings on my camera to purposely create an image that was over exposed. I did this because it was getting dark and because I wanted a more "artsy" look. Also, the stairs are a bit darker, especially on top because I darkened them to stand out a bit more.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
That is all an angel is: an idea of God. ~Meister Eckhart

An angel makes more noise with her light than she does with her wings. This angel, which looks powerful to me, didn't have much light around her due to the cloudy weather; however, I bet she is quite a force on the soul! On a dreary day, a trip to the cemetery seemed appropriate..but when doesn't it? Yes, it is slightly creepy to others but I enjoy a peaceful cemetery. This angel is one the "strongest" looking angels that I have come across. I used a new "technique" in my small arsenal of photography tricks to achieve the look here. I tried to capitalize on the clouds to add drama rather than to avoid the rainy day.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
The Marshes of Utica, New York
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Signs Of The Past!

What a great assignment for Thursday. My 'task' was to photograph signs of the past. I remember my recent trip to Woodstock and thought I would revisit the time of hippies. Did I cheat? Aren't I suppose to take a photo today? I DID! One of the signs above is one that I put in my classroom and one that I photographed today.
Below, I took a photograph of Uncle Sam, gracing the cover of Newsweek. I also think it demonstrates a sign of the past. Following is another image of Uncle Sam, used much differently to tell a story of another generation. Same iconic symbol, very different message.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Hark The Herald Angels Sing

Using the overhead projector once again.... In the bottom photo I added a mirror for the reflection. Glass works well for this type of light source. I wasn't alone with the light box. Trish and Jayme joined me. I'm looking forward to seeing what they were able to capture. Their blogs can be found in the 'followers section'- check out their work!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Another Day, Another Photo...the 365 Day Challenge Goes On!

Tomorrow, I once again will utilize a light source at school. As a "practice run" I placed this candle holder on the overhead this morning to see if it would work. I like the effect.

The picture above looks a little better enlarged. I used a few filters to make it look a bit more dreamy. Through the lens I liked the side hill and the dark trees. This photo was taken yesterday morning on my way to work. At first (last night) I threw out the photo; however, after seeing it again tonight, I like it.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Another Sunny Day

I love being outside and so, though it was chilly outside, I loved shooting this scene. It isn't my favorite set of pictures I've ever taken but it shows the end of winter and beginning of spring. In this "ugly" time period, before the trees have bloomed I thought changing the color was a good idea.

Sunday, March 22, 2009
In The Past......

In the past the greenhouse shown here was a dream for its owners. People start businesses with the highest of hopes and anticipate success. Sometimes those dreams are unfulfilled.

This greenhouse is on RT7 in Schenectady and now sits empty with broken glass and only a few remnants of what used to be.

Here, only a weed grows wild within the glass walls.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Abstracts Continued
These images were in line with what I was planning on doing. I hope they look somewhat good as I have lost my photoshop elements and I am simply posting off my camera's reader.
I like the colors and feel that they are "rich". I wouldn't have saturated them more anyway, even if I had my program. I paid extra attention to the lighting so that the colors would be as "deep" as possible.
To update my computer crisis, to anyone interested....I bought a new tower but am using the old monitor, printer, etc. Now I seem to be having monitor problems. Perhaps the new computer has more or higher graphic power? I don't know how to word it but maybe my monitor is slightly outdated for the capabilities of the computer?? Sorry MAC lovers, I bought a PC for expense purposes. I think I'll save up for an Apple laptop and in the meantime will have this PC for the blog. Eventually Id like to use the laptop for editing and work related items and then use the Internet, off the PC, so any viruses and "bugs" will not affect my laptop? Always interested in opinions on this...feel free to share your ideas.
Friday's Blog Post
Hello all....I'm having serious computer problems which is why I did not post yesterday. Im at work right now writing this so that you don't all wonder where my daily posts are. I'm still photographing daily; however, my hard drive has crashed. I'm not even able to start up my computer at home. I'm off to comparison shop this afternoon for a new computer. Hopefully I will be back on line soon!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I was Eggstatic with this idea!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Life's A Struggle Sometimes

The photo I am posting today should not be misread as a crisis in my life. I've had this idea for a long time and decided to take the images on my way home. All of the signs are photos that I took today as well as the brick background. All but the Dead End sign was taken at the Amsterdam Mall. I then layered and positioned the signs where I liked them best. Finally, my words were placed in strategic locations to add a mood/meaning to the image. I've had a tough year; however, I think we can all relate to the many different directions that we must sometimes take in life.
Suggestion Taken!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Modern Art- At Least That Is What I Call It
My dear friend Trish, master of photography, and I once again used my classroom's overhead projector to create images. She was much more successful (check out her blog). Below is an engraved tribute to 9/11. The engraving is etched into glass. With the light coming from the projector it gives the etching an extra glow. I then fragmented the image to symbolize how the country has been politically divided ever since the tragic events on 9/11.

The image below is what I titled "Desperation". Enough said.

The image below is what I titled "Desperation". Enough said.

Monday, March 16, 2009
Spring Fever!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Another Beautiful Day

A sunny, warm day today and I took full advantage! A ride up North, following a roaring stream, I found a very quiet place, tucked away off the road a bit. A small dam allows this part of the stream to remain peaceful. Not the most beautiful images without lots of green and blue skies, but I thought they demonstrated a peacefulness.

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Love, Peace, Drugs and RocknRoll!! All In One "Trip"!

A terrific trip to Woodstock, NY!! The above photo is to prove that I was among the hippies! The photos below became a theme, unintentionally. With spring flowers and greenery still some time away, the many statues around town grabbed my attention.

In town there are many carvings, statues and small objects to worship. Actually, these treasures get lost in the summer crowds and lush foliage. It is easy to pass by them.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Looking Back Can Keep You Safe

Many people say to 'not look back'. I've gotten the advice to move forward many times in my life and yet I think one needs to look back from time to time. How else can we prevent repeated mistakes that we have made? Also, don't you want to know what may be coming from behind?
Perhaps life is like driving. The driver is suppose to look forward, to both sides, and backward. If we aren't paralyzed doing all that looking as we drive, why do I become paralyzed in life when I try to look in ONE direction?? The above was taken on my way to work this morning. Looking in my rear view, side mirror I could see the potential danger approaching. And yet, behind me was some beauty as the sky was beginning to light up. Ahead of me was darkness with no activity on the road and yet behind me there was movement, "life". Conundrum. If I slow down to let "life" catch up to me, it may pass me by. And I don't want that either.
Thursday, March 12, 2009

It is Thursday and that means it is 'suggestion day'. Phil, a member of a photography group which I belong, suggested that we photograph based upon "looking through dark glass". Well Phil, I saw this green bottle in a box at work. That's it. Sorry. I didn't interpret it in any depth; however, had you not mentioned dark glass I would have passed by this green bottle. A co-worker helped lend a bracelet to add something to my image. If the idea is to make it through another posting in our looong challenge, then I accomplished that goal!
Answers and Explanations
Thank all of you for leaving such great comments and asking terrific questions regarding my photography. I often don't get a chance to respond. Here goes:
1. The tree photo- Sadly, the tree is dead. It will not turn green any time soon, unless you count moss!
2. The abandoned house- It is located near the Rotterdam Mall in New York.
3. The filters used? I'm terrible at writing down the filters, I simply experiment until I find something fun. I have been using multiple layers, adding several filters to one image.
4. My new lens? A Micro Nikkor AF 60mm 1:2.8 Love it!
Again, I'm involved in a 365 day photo challenge..and it is challenging! Your comments mean so much to me because it helps motivate me to keep going! Thank You so much!
1. The tree photo- Sadly, the tree is dead. It will not turn green any time soon, unless you count moss!
2. The abandoned house- It is located near the Rotterdam Mall in New York.
3. The filters used? I'm terrible at writing down the filters, I simply experiment until I find something fun. I have been using multiple layers, adding several filters to one image.
4. My new lens? A Micro Nikkor AF 60mm 1:2.8 Love it!
Again, I'm involved in a 365 day photo challenge..and it is challenging! Your comments mean so much to me because it helps motivate me to keep going! Thank You so much!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
She Once Played Teacher, Now She Is One

Not sooo long ago, when she was a little girl, my student teacher played dress up. She pretended she was a princess. She pretended to be a mommy and play with dolls. She also pretended she was a teacher in charge of her own classroom. In a few short weeks she will graduate as a teacher! And a naturally gifted teacher she is! Below, fit with professional (although uncomfortable looking) dress shoes, she is all grown up and ready to take on the professional world of education! Ironically, she has been teaching on Team Star for the past month and half! Did she get the tattoo of a star because she loved her time at school so much? Did I inspire her teaching so greatly that she never wanted to forget the teachers and students that she worked with? That would make a great story, however, the tattoo was already on her foot!

Below, I practiced with some filters and discovered a way to highlight that star and the shoe. I like it! For me, back to work on Friday! I once again take the lead in molding the future minds of America. God help us!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Watch This!

I took the time to work with my new lens this evening. I'm not sure yet what makes my new lens tick, as I haven't learned all its uses. It was fun though having a hand at making some creative images!

If you have a second I highly recommend that you take the time to photograph up close!

The image below goes back in time with an old-fashioned look. It only took a minute to convert the picture to vintage. The perks of digital! As you can tell I'm pretty wound up this evening. I think it is all the cough syrup I've taken! I'm finally feeling better though when you are sick doesn't it seem as if time stands still?
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