Shhhh... there are people beyond those washers. I had to shoot low to high to avoid being seen by the people who had arrived to put their laundry in the machines. Afterwords they left, allowing me twenty minutes to shoot the other pictures below.

The shot below reminds me of the bathroom photos I took a few weeks ago. The angle, the repetitive nature of the object. Again, I remembered to shoot from corner to corner, hoping that a diagonal picture would be more interesting.

Below you see a reflection shot that really shows what the laundry mat looks like. I like this shot for that reason.

At the laundry mat? Yes, this place has games! Here I tried to win a hat. I only spent 1.50, fifty cents a try. I'm very competitive so I thought walking away was good therapy for me! Besides, the "people" may have returned at any moment and I wanted to photograph some more.

How could I not take a picture of laundry spinning in the dryer. Here my light blue sheets and white dress shirts tumble together and offer the swirling colors as seen below. I purposely didn't crop out the second dryer because I felt that I wanted to keep the look of a laundry mat. Remembering to make the crop look purposeful, I hope it doesn't cause distraction.

And so...on this snow-day I trekked to wash my clothes. And, on this one day, I didn't mind doing my laundry.